This is my page about deadly drivers and run-ins with stupid people.  I am leaving off as much information as I deem neccessary to prevent myself of being the cause.
hair Color/
DateStatePlateColorMakeHair ColorDescription
1 Dec 2006Utah876 UJWWhiteToyotaBrown I have left off his name so he does not personal spam, however much he deadly!  He has attempted vehicular man-slaughter three times today, 1 Dec 2006.  He is a fat slob that could feed Ethiopia by not eating each day.  He drives a white toyota.  If you see this man, beware and he is armed with his car and dangerous.
14 Sept 2007Utah847 PCFBlackTMI -
FUV (Fuck Utility Vehicle)
Blonde This male pulled onto the shoulder and cut off the driver of a red car.  He appeared to be in a hurry, until he got in the left lane.  This I followed this driver home and on the way, he found the red car and kept trying to cut it off again.  I did not realize how dangerous this driver was until I saw his wife in the passenger seat beside him.
12 Dec 2009Utah388 LMRWhiteMazdaBrunnette Male who acks like a Female This male is a damn asshole.  He likes to cutoff people and fuck them while in the fast lane.