This is the left lane quiz page.  Grade yourself on your quality of driving.

  1. How long do you stay in the left lane?
    2 Miles 1 Foot 1 Mile Never leave it

  2. When passing?
    Pass on the right Flip off the driver Blow off the guy's head with a sawed off Wait for the car to move over

  3. How do you pass another vehicle?
    Match speed
    Swerve and swear at the guy behind me
    Make my speed 5 - 10 miles an hour faster than the person in the right lane
    Fuck up traffic

  4. Police lights are flashing behind you.  What do you do?
    Flip him off
    Pull over immediately
    Make sure the police is really behind me before pulling over
    Ignore him

  5. How long do you stay in the left lane?
    My left turn will be in 10 miles
    My left turn will be in 5 miles
    My left turn will be in less than 1 mile
    Never leave it

  6. Your turn will be on the right in 100 feet.  You are in the left lane.  You?
    Swerve to make it, not looking to see who is beside you
    Skip your exit, take the next exit, and come back